New Dalaran Sewer Turtle in World of Warcraft
A cute nod to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, this new battle pet in World of Warcraft:
The War Within can be obtain by complete a quick side quest.New Dalaran Sewer Turtle in World of Warcraft
Talk to the Dalaran sewer turtle on the Isle of Dorn near Freywold village,
then hand it 5 Dornish Pike and 1 Golden Gill Trout.
How to get it
As part of the World of Warcraft: The War Within expansion,
players have an opportunity to collect a new battle pet.
This adorable turtle is a clear nod to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,
change its scarf color every time it’s summon between red, blue, purple and orange.
To get the Dalaran Sewer Turtle, players need to venture south
From Freywold Village situated on the Isle of Dorn.
There they will encounter a Dalaran Sewer Turtle NPC that is alongside an injured rat.
Interacting with this NPC will prompt a short quest chain that will involve handing in five Dornish Pike fish.
This fish can be fish from Calm Surface Ripple fishing pools or bought in the Auction House.
After handing in the fish, players should return to the NPC around 10 minutes later to give it one Goldenhill Trout fish.
Talking to the NPC and engaging with the legally distinguished Leonardo of
the gang will allow players to receive their cute turtle companion as their reward.
In a nod to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, WoW’s The War Within expansion features a fun quest to secure one of the game’s cutest battle pets as a companion. To begin the quest, players must venture to the Isle of Dorn situated west of Freywold Village. There they will find a Dalaran Sewer Turtle standing alongside an injured sewer rat. Engaging with the NPC, players will find that they can help heal the rat by presenting them with certain fish.
At first the NPC will request five Dornish Pike (fished from Calm Surfacing Ripple schools in Khaz Algar) and after a short wait, it will ask for a Goldengill Trout that can be fish from Glimmerpool schools in Khaz Algar. Presenting the critter with these items will see them all healed up and will send the pair off to reunite with their family back at Dornogal located in Stoneshaper’s Atrium area.
Talking to the legally distinguished Leonardo once again will result in the turtles saying thanks, bestowing players with a bag containing the pet’s Sewer Turtle Whistle. Upon use it, the turtle will spawn with a different color scarf each time it is summon.
After completing the short questline in WoW The War Within players can obtain an adorable turtle battle pet as well as a fun nod to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The new hero in a half shell wears a different color scarf each time the pet is summon, add a bit of flavor to this cute companion.
Talk to him and he will ask you for some fish to help his injured rat friend heal. He wants five Dornish Pike, which you can catch by heading to Khaz Algar. You can also purchase them from the auction house for a reasonable price.
After delivering the fish to the turtle, he will leave with the rat and return to Dornogal. Once there, you can find him and the rat near the Stoneshaper’s Atrium. He will then thank you for your aid, giving you a Sewer Turtle Whistle to use when you want to summon him.
World of Warcraft players eager to explore The War Within are greeted by an adorable new battle pet inspired by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This hero in a half shell wears a different scarf each time it’s summoned, adding a charming visual nod to the popular pop culture franchise.
To unlock the pet, players will need to locate a Dalaran Sewer Turtle NPC found on the outskirts of Freywold Village located in the Isle of Dorn in Khaz Algar. Interact with the NPC to learn that the rat that is its friend is sick and needs help.
The NPC requests that players bring it five Dornish Pike, which can be caught in the waters around the Isle of Dorn or purchased on the Auction House. After handing in the fish, the NPC will request that players return after a period of time. Upon returning, the NPC will then ask for one Goldengill Trout, which can also be fetched from Calm Surface Ripple fishing pools or purchased from Glimmerpool schools read more here.